Frequently asked questions

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Lot development plans or a Sketch for Building Permit is a document produced by either an engineer or a qualified land surveyor. The builder hires the professionals to complete the LDP to ensure the grading of the property is in conformance to the overall grading plan for the subdivision. It is reviewed by Municipal Building Departments and is submitted as part of the building permit application process. Once your homes grading is complete  the grading of the lot is certified and inspected by an engineer and the Municipal official to ensure the property is in strict adherence to the grade plan ensuring water will flow in the directions intended and exit the property towards storm drains and or the storm water management systems and ultimately replenishing our streams, rivers and lakes of our watershed.

A swale is a low depression in the soil designed to manage water runoff, filter, slow the pace  and encourage rainwater infiltration. The swale is designed to capture water and if necessary, direct it toward a point of outlet – generally a catch basin. Blocking or altering a swale in any way is not permitted. The swales are generally necessary and in conformance to your LDP. (See above).

Every lot has a swale located somewhere on the property. The severity and location of the swale will depend on the lot.

A Building Lot and Location Survey (also known as the Real Property Survey or BLS) shows the as-built location of the home on the lot.It is  proof the home is constructed where it should be on your lot. It will represent the homes fitment and all setback locations from the property lines.  It is prepared by a Surveyor following foundation completion. Your BLS should be referenced when determining the location of exterior structures such as fences. A copy of the real property survey is included in your closing documents. Be sure to confirm that on closing with your solicitor. Do not ask the builder to provide a copy or photocopy of the survey as this is a Professional legal document produced by a professional Ontario Land Surveyor and is not for reproduction or distribution by others. Keep the copy safe in case you go to sell the property. It’s a real selling point appreciated by your realtor and lawyer!

Short answer, yes! Not too much can be done on one’s property without consultation with the Building Department. Doesn’t matter what it is, they’ll tell if you don’t. Don’t play dumb it doesn’t work! It’s going to save you long term headaches especially if you go to sell and the building department catches that you have done work without a permit. It can oftentimes kill a real estate transaction in the final hours and causes a lot of stress and tension by all.

The “Developer” of the lands often times Wrighthaven homes will register on the title of new Subdivision lands Restricted Covenants. They are generally mandated as part of the Site Development Agreement or Subdivision signed with the Municipality. They deal with issues relating to parking, fencing, landscaping etc. in the Subdivision. These Restricted Covenants are between the Subdivider and property owners.

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AMJ Sterling Development Inc. is a premier custom home builder in the Southern Ontario region of Canada and surrounding areas with a reputation built on exceptional craftsmanship and innovative, functional home designs. We take pride in creating homes that satisfy homeowners now and for generations to come.

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